رایتینگ تصحیح شده آیلتس : نمونه شماره دو، تسک اول آکادمیک

نمونه تصحیح شده رایتینگ آیلتس
برای اینکه بتوانید ایرادات کار خود را بهتر شناسایی کنید و با انواع مشکلات آشنا شوید بهتر است نمونه تصحیح شده رایتینگ آیلتس را زیاد بخوانید. در ادامه ابتدا متن اصلی را می خوانید که ایراداتی دارد. سعی کنید آنها را تشخیص دهید. سپس نمونه تصحیح شده را بخوانید و با خطاها آشنا شوید.
نمونه سوال از تسک اول آیلتس آکادمیک
The table below given information about sales of Fairtrade – labelled coffee and bananas in 1999 and 2004 in five European countries.
نمونه پاسخ
The given tables illustrate data about how much Fairtrade coffee and how many Fairtrade bananas were sold in five different countries in Europe between 1999 and 2004.
Overall, it is clearly seen from the tables that there were much more coffee as well as bananas sold in 2004 than in 1999. Another striking feature is that the UK were the leading country in consuming coffee over 1999-2004 period
while the largest number of bananas comsumed was recorded in Switzerland in the same period.
If we look at coffee, the England accounted for the highest amount of coffee consumed with 20 millions of euros; on the contrary, it was Sweden that made up the lowest number of coffee in both years. The other regions including
Switzerland, Denmark and Belgium had their figures of bananas in 2004 doubled that in 1999, 3 and 6, 1.8 and 3, and 1 and 1.7 in turn.
Regarding bananas, Switzerland consisted of 15 and 47 millions of euros in 1999 and 2004 respectively, the highest number of bananas recorded. In 1999, only 0.6 millions of euros of bananas sold in Belgium, the lowest number of
bananas; however, the smallest number of abovementioned fruit in 2004 belonged to Denmark, 0.9 millions of euros. During 5 years, there was a gradual fall bananas in Sweden, from 1.8 to 1 millions of euros but that in the
United Kingdom and Belgium experienced steady improvements by 4,5 and 3,4 millions of euros respectively.
نمونه تصحیح شده

مطالب زیر نیز مفید اند:
رایتینگ تصحیح شده آیلتس : نمونه شماره یک، تسک اول آکادمیک
رایتینگ آیلتس و تافل : ساپورت ایده ها با مثال زدن