تمرین لیسینینگ: Pork Tapeworm

تمرین لیسینینگ: Pork Tapeworm
بیولوژی یکی از موضوعات همیشگی در بخش های مختلف آزمون های تافل، آیلتس و پی تی ای بوده است، بخصوص در بخش لیسینینگ. این ویدیو گرفته شده از Animal Planet را ببینید و به عنوان تمرین لیسینینگ جاهای خالی را با کلماتی که میشنوید پر کنید. جواب های خود را در بخش نظرات برای ما بنویسید.
The pork tapeworm has two …(1)…….hosts — humans and pigs. the ……(2)……. larvae forms …(3)……in the muscle tissue of a pig. If a human eats ……(4)…….. pork that contains the cysts, they get ……(5)….. In the human gut, the cysts ……(6)……. into adult tapeworms. The worms lay eggs that are passed out in human feces. Then if the pig eats the feces, the eggs ,the eggs grow into cysts in its muscle tissue, and the life cycle repeats. The pork tapeworm is particularly …(7)……. parasite because it can end up inside the most important organ in the human body: The Brain.
Narrator: The encysted larvae ……(8)……. a chemical that binds to the body’s immune cells, preventing them from penetrating the cyst. But if the cyst is killed, it stops secreting the defense chemical, and the body’s immune system launches a massive …(9)……….on the dead parasite. This immune response causes the brain to swell, ……(10)…… in a deadly condition known as Cephalgias Tapeworms in the brain are the world’s leading cause of epileptic seizures. In the US, an estimated one thousand people were infected last year.
Most infections occur in people who have spent time in areas where the pork tapeworm is endemic, such as Mexico, central and south America, sub-Saharan Africa, India, east Asia, and the Caribbean. Travelers to these areas should ensure the food they eat is prepared in ……(11)……condition and make sure the pork is cooked all the way through.
The pork tapeworm is particularly deadly because it can hold its host’s ……(12)…… hostage. If the host’s immune system attacks the parasite, the host could die in the process.
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12-immune system
well done!