20 اصطلاح معروف در زبان انگلیسی که باید بدانید!

20 اصطلاح معروف در زبان انگلیسی که باید بدانید!
20 اصطلاح معروف در زبان انگلیسی که باید بدانید!
20 Commonly Used and Popular English Idioms
1. A blessing in disguise
Meaning: A good thing that initially seemed bad
2.A dime a dozen
Meaning: Something that is very common, not unique
3.Adding insult to injury
Meaning: To make a bad situation even worse
4.Beat around the bush
Meaning: Avoid sharing your true viewpoint or feelings because it is uncomfortable
5.Beating a dead horse
Meaning: Giving time or energy to something that is ended or over
6.Bite the bullet
Meaning: To get an unfavorable situation or chore over with now because it will need to get finished eventually
7.Best of both worlds
Meaning: The choice or solution has all of the advantages of two contrasting things at the same time
8.Biting off more than you can chew
Meaning: Not having the capacity to take on a new assignment or task that is just too taxing
9.By the skin of your teeth
Meaning: Just barely making it
10.Don’t judge a book by its cover
Meaning: Not judging something by its initial appearance
11.Doing something at the drop of a hat
Meaning: Doing something at the moment of being asked
12.Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
Meaning: Not to count on something happening until after it’s already happened
13.Caught between a rock and a hard place
Meaning: Making a choice between two unpleasant choices
14.Costs an arm and a leg
Meaning: Something that is overpriced or very expensive
15.Cutting corners
Meaning: Not performing a task or duty correctly in order to save time or money
16.Devil’s advocate
Meaning: To take the side of the counter-argument, or offer an alternative point of view
17.Feeling under the weather
Meaning: Not feeling well, or feeling sick
18.Fit as a fiddle
Meaning: Being in good health
19.Getting a taste of your own medicine
Meaning: Being treated the way that you have been treating others
20.Getting a second wind
Meaning: Having energy again after being tired
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