نمونه سؤال رایتینگ جدید تافل، Writing for an Academic Discussion

برای تسک جدید رایتینگ تافل چه مدت زمان برای نگارش دارم؟
همانطور که میدانید، از تابستان 2023، تسک جدید رایتینگ تافل به نام Writing for an academic discussion، در آزمون تافل ibt و home edition برای سنجش توانایی داوطلبان در شرکت در یک بحث آکادمیک مورد استفاده قرار میگیرد. برای این تسک معمولا استاد سؤالی را مطرح و بحثی را آغاز می کند. شما دو نمونه از پاسخ ها و نظرات دیگر دانشجویان را در پاسخ به سؤال استاد می بینید. با توجه به این مطالب، ده دقیقه زمان دارید تا در حداقل 100 کلمه نظر خود را راجع به بحث بنویسید. در این مطلب، چند نمونه سؤال رایتینگ جدید تافل را در اختیارتان قرار می دهیم تا بتوانید تمرین کنید.
نمونه سؤال رایتینگ جدید تافل: Writing for an Academic Discussion، 2023
Your professor is teaching a class on marketing. Write a post responding to the professor’s question. In your response, you should:
- express and support your personal opinion
- make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.
نمونه سؤال اول
Professor: Hello class! Next week we will be discussing the impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior. With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, we’ve seen the emergence of a new type of celebrity: the social media influencer. These influencers have large followings and can sway consumer behavior by endorsing products or services. Here’s a question for the discussion board:
Do social media influencers have a major impact on consumers? Why or why not?
Mark: I think social media influencers have a significant impact. When young people start admiring these influencers and trust their recommendations, they are more likely to buy products or services that they endorse. However, I also think there are some concerns about the authenticity of these endorsements, as some influencers may promote products that they don’t actually use or believe in.
Rose: I’m not convinced that social media influencers have a significant impact on consumer behavior. While they may have large followings, most people are smart enough to make their own purchasing decisions based on their needs and preferences. Plus, there are so many influencers out there promoting different products that it can be hard to know who to trust.
نمونه سؤال دوم
Professor: Today we’re going to talk about the debate between economic growth and protecting the environment. Economic growth creates new jobs and gives people money they can use to improve their lives. On the other hand, if we protect the environment it can be enjoyed both by ourselves and future generations. If you had to choose between prioritizing economic growth or protecting the environment, which one would you choose. Why?
Ross: I would prioritize the environment. We only have one planet and if we don’t take care of it, we won’t have pleasant lives in the future. Economic growth can be important, but not at the expense of the environment. I think we need to shift towards more environmentally-friendly economic practices, such as investing in renewable energy and promoting environmentally-friendly technologies. We’ll all live much healthier lives if the world around us is clean.
Mary: While I agree with Alex that environmental sustainability is important, I think that economic growth is the only way to solve many of the social and economic problems we face. We need a strong economy to create jobs, reduce poverty, and improve standards of living. Not only that, but when companies grow stronger and more profitable, they can develop new technologies that solve our environmental problems.
نمونه سؤال سوم
Professor: Next week, we’re going to spend a lot of time in class discussing the positive and negative ways in which companies affect the world around us. Before we start talking about that in class, I want to hear what you think about the topic. So here’s a question for the message board: In your opinion, what is the best way for a company to have a positive impact on society?
Sally: I believe that companies should focus on making their operations more socially and environmentally friendly. While charitable giving can be beneficial, it doesn’t address the root causes of serious social and environmental problems. By doing business in more responsible ways, companies can have a more meaningful and lasting impact on society. Moreover, if they attract positive attention from consumers they could inspire other companies to do the same. That’s the only way we can really solve today’s problems.
James: While those are very good points, I think that companies should focus on charitable giving. Philanthropy can provide immediate relief to those in need and contribute to the overall well-being of society right away. It could take years or decades for business changes to have a positive impact on society, and most people just can’t wait that long.
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Tag:TOEFL, TOEFL Writing, Writing, تافل, رایتینگ, رایتینگ تافل