نمونه سوالات آزمون PTE : سه سوال از بخش ریدینگ

نمونه سوالات ریدینگ PTE
در بخش ریدینگ آزمون PTE شما معمولا با سه نوع سوال مواجه خواهید شد. پر کردن جاهای خالی، سوالات چند گزینه ای و مرتب سازی پاراگراف ها. در ادامه سه تا از نمونه سوالات ریدینگ PTE را برایتان در نظر گرفته ایم تا با هر نوع از سوالات آشنا شوید. پاسخ صحیح را در پایان این متن می توانید ببینید. همچنین برای اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد آزمون PTE به اینجا سری بزنید.
نمونه سوال fill in the blanks
متن زیر را بخوانید و از میان کلمات داده شده در زیر متن آن را تکمیل کنید.
Long overgrown nails have been ————- of beauty for women for ages. Ladies who had nicely kept, properly filed and shaped nails were ————- in Egypt. Women used to ———— their fingers with artificial nails made up of bones, gold and ivory. With time there have been many affordable and ———– artificial nails up for—————— . The United States of America is the biggest market of artificial nails, adhesives and polymers.
lionised / adorn / propensity /grabs / inadvertent /imperishable / symbol / vitriolic
نمونه سوال Re-order paragraphs
5 پاراگراف زیر که مربوط به یک متن اند را بخوانید و سعی کنید آنها را به ترتیب مرتب کنید.
3.The famous writer William Shakespeare is said to have been buried on 25th April, 1616 in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford upon Avon.
4.The words inscribed in the tombstone were believed to be Shakespeare’s only.
5. The tomb is placed beneath the chancel, which is the space for the clergy of the church.
نمونه سوال multiple choice
متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوال پاسخ دهید. تنها یک پاسخ صحیح وجود دارد.
Grossly misunderstood and represented as a revolutionary, liberal, Romantic, and bohemian artist, Rembrandt has lived for over 400 years now through his art. During this time period many views and opinions have oscillated from praise to scathing remarks and vice versa.
The extent of Rembrandt’s fame can be understood by the following incident: in the year 1670, the Sicilian collector Antonio Ruffo received a letter from the artist Abraham Breughel with a request to get some original masterpieces from Italy. Ruffo had to apologize stating that no painter had been able to exhibit an ability to paint as extraordinary as Rembrandt, who had already died by then.
Which of the following, most accurately summarizes the opinion of the author in the text?
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