10 سؤال رایج در مورد بخش رایتینگ آیلتس

بخش رایتینگ آیلتس
می دانید که در بخش رایتینگ آیلتس شما یک ساعت زمان دارید تا دو تسک را کامل کنید. بسته به اینکه آیلتس آکادمیک شرکت کرده اید یا جنرال، ماهیت تسک ها متفاوت است. اما چند سؤال رایج در مورد بخش رایتینگ آیلتس وجود دارد که ذهن اکثر داوطلبان این آزمون را به خود مشغول کرده است. این سؤالات را بهمراه پاسخ با هم مرور می کنیم تا تصویری واضح تر از این بخش از آزمون در ذهن داشته باشید و بتوانید خود را بهتر برای آن آماده کنید.
1: Do I need to find unique and interesting ideas in order to get a high score?
No! The examiner is NOT looking for ideas that are interesting or unique. In order to get a high score, you need ideas that are logical and, most importantly, you can support them easily. The examiner will only look at how convincing your ideas are and how you analyze them.
2: Does a long essay mean more marks?
No! An essay longer than 300 words sometimes may result in losing marks. Keep your essay concise and clear! You should write about 260-280 words on average.
3: My teacher said that the introduction is the most important part in an essay. Therefore, it is compulsory that I have to write an interesting introduction to intrigue the examiner by writing a hook. Is that true?
No! Every part of an essay is important, but the most important one should be the body where you present your points. You do not need a hook in your introduction because it is really difficult to write a hook, it would take away a lot of time for the body. Besides, the examiner will not look at how interesting your introduction is, so writing a hook would be unnecessary.
4: Is it true that I always need to write a balanced essay to get a high score?
No! It is indeed recommended candidates with advanced writing skills write a balanced essay. But it does not mean that writing a one-sided essay would lead to a low mark. If you write a one-sided essay logically and coherently, you are likely to get a good score.
5: Do I need a concluding sentence for each body paragraph?
No! You do not need a concluding sentence because a conclusion paragraph is enough to round off an essay.
6: Is grammar important?
Yes! The examiner will check your grammatical mistakes.
7: Do I need to use uncommon words to have a high band in the Lexical Resource criterion?
No! Using too many strange words may cause your essay to be unnatural and there are chances of word misuses. I recommend you focus on the accuracy of your vocabulary.
8: Should I use templates? My teacher gave me a lot of memorized phrases to use when writing an IELTS task 2.
Personally I do not like templates, because it is not your language. And chances are other candidates may use those templates too, the examiner will not appreciate those papers using the same language.
9: Do I need to use advanced linking devices?
In my opinion there are no advanced or beginner’s linking devices. Which linkers you use do not reflect your level of writing, therefore I recommend you focus on the coherence of your ideas and supporting details rather than some linking words.
10: Should I write every day? How fast can I improve if I write a lot of essays every week?
From my experience, you do not need to do writing every day. I usually recommend my students write about 2-3 essays a week and focus more on the quality of their work.
It does not matter how many essays you write a week. What really matters is how intensive and how focused you are when you do your writing exercises. You can write 100 essays before the test but can receive a lower score than the person who only write 10 essays but with greater intensity. What intensity here means is that you can spend 2 days reading and writing only about 1 topic and produce the best work. Concentrate more on the quality.
جهت آمادگی بهتر برای بخش رایتینگ آیلتس مطالب زیر بسیار کمک کننده خواهند بود.
نکات رایتینگ آیلتس : رایتینگ آیلتس جنرال ، تسک اول
نکات رایتینگ آیلتس :تسک دوم رایتینگ آیلتس جنرال
استفاده از کلمات ربطی (Linking words) برای انسجام رایتینگ
رایتینگ آیلتس : درمورد نمرده دهی در رایتینگ آیلتس بیشتر بدانید
کتاب الکترونیکی بمباران ایده ها: چگونه برای تمامی موضوعات بخش مقالات آیلتس ایده داشته باشیم
Tag:FAQs, IELTS, IELTS Writing, Writing, آیلتس, اشتباهات رایج, رایتینگ آیلتس, سؤالات رایج