واژگان پیشرفته آیلتس (بند 8 و 9) : واژگانی در مورد Career بخش اول

واژگان پیشرفته آیلتس
می دانید که برای نمره دادن به بخش های اسپیکینگ و رایتینگ آیلتس، یکی از معیارهای نمره دهی به رنج واژگانی شما مربوط می شود. در این سری پست ها واژگان پیشرفته آیلتس که برای گرفتن نمره بالای هشت مناسب است را مرور می کنیم. در این قسمت به سراغ موضوع رایج career می رویم.
Advanced Vocabulary for Career
The ability of people to produce useful results at work
To subsidize
To pay part of the cost of sth, usually in order to help people
The amount of work or goods produced
Work/life balance
the ability to work hard but also enjoy a good quality family and social life
to motivate people
to give them positive reasons for working hard
Pay increments
Pay rises, increases
Reward from an employer which are not financial (eg free lunches, a car, etc.)
Financial rewards
any form of money payment (salary, commission, pension)
Money given in addition to salary, usually in return for achieving targets
any reward that makes people work harder
Job satisfaction
enjoyment of a job for non-financial reasons
dependent on hitting a target
On the job training
Training while working, not by leaving work to go to college, etc.
Ongoing training
Training throughout your time in a job, not just at the start
Day release programs
programs of training or education when employees can spend entire days out of work
Career progression
The ability to advance your career
Job prospects
the possibility of promotion or higher level work in future
To measure
to assess the dimensions of sth
not addressing deep or important issues
Performance reviews (appraisals)
meeting at which an employer gives feedback to a worker on their work over a fixed period
در بخش دوم چند واژه دیگر را با هم مرور می کنیم.
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