موضوعات رایج در رایتینگ آیلتس : Government and the authorities

موضوعات رایتینگ آیلتس : حاکمیت و مسئولین
در موضوعات رایتینگ و اسپیکینگ آیلتس از موضوعات سیاسی و دیدگاه های مذهبی پرهیز می شود. اما موضوعاتی کلی که به یک حزب خاص مرتبط نمیشود وجود دارد. برای مثال ممکن است از شما راجع به سیاست های اختصاص بودجه به فضای سبز شهری بپرسند، اما راجع به سیاست های یک کشور خاص نمی پرسند. یکی از موضوعات رایتینگ آیلتس مسائل مربوط به چگونگی اداره جامعه و مسئولین است. این موضوع شامل موارد زیر میشود:
- law and order
- crime and policing
- justice and punishment
- Occasionally the Task may refer to ways of managing public services, and relations between countries
یک نمونه سوال
سوال زیر یکی از موضوعات رایتینگ آیلتس درمورد حاکمیت و مسئولین را نشان می دهد. سعی کنید برای آن یک plan آماده کنید.
Some observers say that police officers should be recruited from the communities where they work, so that they have local knowledge. Other people say that this is unnecessary, or even undesirable. Where do you stand on this
debate? Is local knowledge essential in modern policing?
این مقاله از نوع opinion>personal viewpoint است. شما باید موضوع را معرفی کنید و نظرتان را در مقدمه مطرح کنید. سپس توضیح دهید که چرا بر این باور هستید. بطور خلاصه باید موضع مقابل را هم توصیف کنید. باید به سوال دوم تسک هم حتما پاسخ دهید.
یک نمونه پاسخ
نمونه پاسخ زیر را بخوانید. به واژه های پررنگ شده دقت کنید. سپس سعی کنید plan خود را به یک مقاله تبدیل کنید. از این واژه ها در مقاله خود استفاده کنید. نمونه پاسخ زیر نمره 9 را می گیرد.
The need for effective, trustworthy police officers is paramount in society today, especially as criminals become more devious and creative. Regarding whether police should be locally hired, there is a case to be made on both sides of the debate.
Those who support local recruitment of officers point to the need for the police to understand the minutiae of the local community. For example, a community may have certain frictions or a history of a specific grievance, whether religious, political or otherwise. In such situations, the argument goes, the police need to show sensitivity, and also be able to anticipate the kinds of crimes that may be committed. Furthermore, local officers may find it easier to gain informants in the community, leading to stronger evidence at trials, higher conviction rates and a deterrent to crime through sentencing, imprisonment, fines or community service leading to rehabilitation of the offender.
On the other hand, it seems likely that officers from the community may in fact share some of the tendencies of the people they grew up with. For example, in countries such as Mexico, we see a high incidence of corruption among the local business and government community which is equalled by bribery among the police. A second objection is that local sensitivity may lead to the police failing to enforce laws fully, and effectively making exceptions for some offenders, which is unequitable towards law-abiding citizens. Finally, we must remember that police officers should have transferable skills, such as lateral thinking and investigative ability, which should transcend their background or the environment they are working in.
Overall, it seems to me that local knowledge is not absolutely essential for the police, whose skills should be effective in any context. Indeed, I agree with those who say that the risks of local recruitment outweigh the benefits, because of the danger of corruption and over-familiarity with potential offenders.
(words: 318)
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