یادگیری phrasal verbs در زبان انگلیسی : درس دوم، فعل Go

یادگیری phrasal verbs در زبان انگلیسی
در قسمت اول از اهمیت یادگیری phrasal verbs در زبان انگلیسی گفتیم و فهرستی از مهم ترین افعال چند قسمتی با فعل های get و come را در اختیارتان قرار دادیم. در درس دوم به سراغ فعل پرکاربرد go می رویم. مثال ها را حتما بخوانید.
Phrasal verbs with ‘Go’
- Go through: 1. experiencing an unpleasant situation, 2. examine the contents of something carefully
- Go in for: Do or competing in something
- Go without: not have something which you usually have
- Go out: stop giving light
- Go about: start to do or deal with something
- Go for: choose
- Go off: leave a place to go to somewhere else
- Go on: continue
چند مثال:
I have been going through a difficult time at university recently.
Yesterday, I went through some articles to prepare for my presentation.
After his long absence due to his knee injury, he decided to go in for a local competition.
I have had to go without a holiday for several years in order to save enough money for a new house.
I was watching my favorite TV series last night when the lights went out.
He has been a couch potato lately, he has to go about getting a job.
I was hesitating over whether to choose the red shirt for him or the blue one, finally I went for the red one.
We were supposed to spend the evening together but when her colleague called from work, she went off to see what was wrong.
Despite the loud noise coming from the street, I went on studying.