تجربه آزمون آيلتس هانيه

تجربه آزمون آيلتس هانيه از زبان آموزان موسسه درخت جاويدان
تجربه آزمون آيلتس: من امروز امتحان اسپیکینگ در موسسه ایرسافام دادم ممتحنم اقای مافی بودند که وسط صحبتم رو چندبار قطع کردند و خودمم استرس داشتم
7 Cue card ?
(Describe something you do that keeps you fit. (or, that helps you keep fit
:You should say
what it is-
how often you do it-
how you do it (or, how easy or difficult it is to do) and explain how it helps you to keep fit-
?Is it important for children to play sport-
[?Do you think it’s important for people to play sports? [Why/Why not-
What are the benefits of playing a sport for future life of children-