نکاتی درمورد IELTS Writing: Task one (قسمت دوم)

IELTS Writing Task One: Some Tips (part 2)
Tip 2: Which task to do first?
تو قسمت اول این سری از پستها راجع به اینکه چقدر باید بنویسیم صحبت کردیم. نکته دوم درباره اینه که بخش رایتینگ آیلتس رو با کدوم یکی از تسکها شروع کنیم. تسک یک یا تسک دو؟
برای پاسخ به این سوال معمولا سه نوع استدلال وجود داره:
Argument 1: Do task one first
There is a reason that it is task one and comes before task two, because it is “easier” to do. Yes, of course task one is shorter so you can do it more quickly than the second one. Psychologically speaking, this gives you a good feeling and makes you ready for the more difficult task, task two. But the problem is it is not “easier” for everyone.
Argument 2: Do task two first
As you know, you have one hour for writing section and you are recommended to spend 40 minutes on task two and 20 minutes on task one, because the second task is more important for the overall score. Now, if you lose the track of time and spend more than 20 minutes on task one, then you have to write the more important task two very quickly. So, it is recommended to do the more important one first. But, this difference in your overall score may be insignificant or you are very good at task two that it makes no difference which task you do first.
Argument 3: Do the easier task first
You should decide which task you are better at. If task one is easier for you, start with this task, if task two is easier for you, then start with that! It all depends on you. If you do the easier one first, you complete one task quicker and not only does it save you time, but also it gives you a good feeling to deal with the more difficult one.
پس براساس این سه استدلال باید اول نقاط قوت و ضعف خودتون رو در بخش رایتینگ شناسایی کنین تا ببینین کدوم یکی از تسکها برای شما آسونتره، بعد بخش رایتینگ رو با همون تسک آسونتر شروع کنین تا هم تو زمان صرفه جویی کرده باشین و هم با اعتماد بنفس بیشتری سراغ تسکی که واستون سختتره برین.
Guilfoyle, A. (2017). Practical IELTS strategies 3: IELTS writing task one [Academic module] (2nd ed.). Taiwan: Bookman Books.
Tag:IELTS, IELTS Writing, Writing, رایتینگ آیلتس