7 اصطلاح کاربردی که باید بدانید!

10 اصطلاح کاربردی برای افزایش نمره آیلتس

7 اصطلاح کاربردی که باید بدانید!

Every cloud has a silver lining

Meaning: Try and be as optimistic as you can be, however difficult you are finding  the situation at the moment, better times will come in the future.

Example: Every cloud has a silver lining, you will find a new job very soon.

A hot potato

Meaning: People talking about a current topic which cannot be agreed upon.

Example: The subject of Brexit is a hot potato.

Give someone the benefit of the doubt

Meaning: Believe what the person is or has said, until there is proof.

Example: Give him the benefit of the doubt, he may not have been there.

Let sleeping dogs lie

Meaning: Leave the situation as it is, do not get involved.

Example: Let sleeping dogs lie, you were not there so you cannot comment.

Once in a blue moon

Meaning: Something happens extremely rarely.

Example: Once in a blue moon there will be an eclipse of the sun by the moon.

Steal someone’s thunder

Meaning: Take the credit for a situation that someone else deserves

Example: He stole his colleague’s thunder about doing an excellent job.

Best of both words

Meaning: A person has all the advantages of a given situation.

Example: They have the best of both words as they spend half the year in England. And the rest of the year in Switzerland.

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