رایج ترین عبارات برای اسپیکینگ آیلتس: موضوع: work

رایج ترین عبارات برای اسپیکینگ آیلتس: موضوع: work
رایج ترین عبارات برای اسپیکینگ آیلتس: موضوع: work
1. To be called for an interview: to be invited to attend an interview
Example: Although he has been called for an interview, he hasn’t got a job yet.
2. To be your own boss/run your own business/be self-employed: to have your own business
Example: It has been my dream is to be my own boss, because I can do everything in my way If I run my own business.
3. A nine-to-five job: a normal job that consists of an 8 hour a day
Example: The idea of doing a nine-to-five job is quite arduous for few people.
4. To be stuck behind a desk: to be unhappy in office job
Example: Working full-time in an office can lead to being stuck behind a desk.
5. One of the perks of the job: an extra benefit you get from a job
Example: Extra meal is one of the perks of the job, which make employees more satisfied
6. Job satisfaction: the feeling of enjoying a job
Example: Job satisfaction is the most important factor when a person chooses a job.
7. Manual work: work that requires physical activities
Example: Many people have manual work that requires them to work in dangerous environment.
8. Temporary work: work done for a limited time only
Example: Taxi drivers is just my temporary work, I am applying for better job.
9. Voluntary work: to work without pay
Example: In my free time, I join in voluntary work to help the society.
10. To be well paid: to earn a good salary
Example: Working in auditing area will be well paid.
11. Working conditions: the hours, salary and other entitlements that comes with the job
Example: Employer should spend more money on improving the working conditions.
12. To meet a deadline: to finish a job on time
Example: Last week she was really stress, because she had to work too hard to meet the deadlines.
13. To take early retirement: to retire early
Example: Recently, a large number of older worker tend to take early retirement, then they will have more time to travel.
14. A heavy workload: to have a lot of work to do
Example: Many worker are complaining the heavy workload, and they asking for higher salary.
15. Shift work: a system in which different groups of workers work somewhere at different times of the day and night
Morning/Night shift
Example: Many industries rely heavily on shift work, and millions of people work in jobs that require shift schedules.
16. Tempting offer
Example: After graduating in economics, I got a very tempting offer from an investment bank and accepted it.
17. Land a new job: get a new (and usually a good) job
Example: After graduating, I did the usual things of putting together my CV & applying for jobs. Luckily, I landed a fantastic new job at a tourism company.
18. Living wage: enough money to live on
Example: After doing a job swap, I just got a living wage which didn’t commensurate with my experience & ability.
19. Take up the post: start work
Example: After being laid off, I went back to my old job and took up the post of editor of a leading fashion journal.
20. Carve a niche for myself: make a special position for myself
Example: After graduating, I practiced medicine for a number of years in London. I managed to carve a niche for myself as a specialist in dermatology.
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