موضوعات سخت در رایتینگ تافل (قسمت پایانی)

انواع مقالات تافل

موضوعات سخت در رایتینگ تافل

در سه قسمت گذشته سی مورد از موضوعات سخت در رایتینگ تافل را برشمردیم. در این قسمت به سراغ چهار موضوع پایانی می رویم. سعی کنید ایده های مناسب برای این موضوعات و موضوعات مشابهشان داشته باشید تا هنگام آزمون کمتر غافلگیر شوید.


چهار موضوع سخت در رایتینگ تافل

31. Do you agree that people easily learn from the friends beside them? Use specific examples and evidences to support your answer.

32. If you want to recommend a way to reduce living expenses for your friend, which of the following will you choose? Why?
– Find a roommate to share a room
– Do not buy the latest mobile phone, buy new technological devices less frequently
– Buy cheap foods and cook home (do not often eat outside)

33. Do you agree or disagree?It is difficult for teachers to be both popular (liked by students) and effective in helping students in learning.
Give your reasons and specific examples.

34. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with the people who have a good sense of humor.

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