تجربه آزمون آيلتس سعيده

تجربه آزمون آیلتس

تجربه آزمون آيلتس سعيده از زبان آموزان موسسه درخت جاويدان


 ? تاریخ آزمون اسپیکینگ: 12 دسامبر 2016 
ممتحن من یه آقایی بودند فوق العاده خوش برخورد و اصلا حین صحبت قطعم نمیکرد و هم اینکه با حرکاتش بهم میفهموند که خوب دارم جواب میدم یعنی قوت قلب خوبی میداد.
از امتحان که زدم بیرون واقعا حس خوبی داشتم هرچند بعدا استرس گرفتم.
امیدوارم سوال ها مورد استفاده بقیه قرار بگیرد.
Tell me about the place where you live-
?Do you want to live in the same place forever-
?Is the transportation near the place where you live good-
?What do you do at weekends-
?Do you go to cinema at weekends-
?What have you planned to do next weekend-
?Do you like singing-
?Do you sing-
?Who is your favorite singer? Why-
?Do people in your country sing-
Cue card
Tell me about the change that has happened in your life
:please say
?When did it happen-
?what was the change-
?What were the positive impacts of that change on your life-
:Follow up question
?Does the speed of change go rapidlly in your life-
?How does a rapid change affect our life-
?Is it harder for young people or old ones to come along with changes-
?Did you notice any changes in the role of family members in the recentnyears? How have these changes influenced our families-
?Is it good to have fast changes in life or not-

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