تجربه آزمون آیلتس اسپیکینگ آلا
تجربه آزمون آلا یکی از زبان آموزان موسسه درخت جاویدان در بخش آیلتس اسپیکینگ
?سلام آقای هوشیار. من امروز صبح ایرسافام امتحان اسپیکینگ دادم. اسم ممتحن یادم نیست، فکر کنم آقای مهتری …(ولی آقای نامور نبودند) . اول به نظرم خیلی جدی بودند ولی برخوردشون خوب بود و عکس العملشون به جوابهای من خیلی مثبت بود. فقط اینکه بخش دوم خیلی زود حرفم رو قطع کردن و بخش سوم هم اکثرا قطع کردن حرفمو و نمیرسیدم که برای بعضی سوال ها مثال بزنم. ولی بخش اول رو خیلی حرف زدم اصلا قطع نکردن صحبتمو. ولی در کل راحت جواب دادم چون اکثرشون رو شما با ما کار کرده بودید. و ممنون از شما.
Interview ?
?What is your full name
?Can I see your ID
?Where are you from
?Do you work or study
?What is your job
?Why did you choose this job
?What is the aspect of your job that you like more
?Is your subject of study/work important in your country? Why
?Do you like to continue working in this job position
?What is your plan in the future
:Let’s talk about jewelries
?Why do some people like jewelries
?Do you like any kind of jewelry? / Which kind jewelry do you like? Why
?Do people in your country like to wear jewelries
Cue card ?
Describe a situation in which you had a cake
?When did you have it
?Who did you have it with
?Why did you have this cake
Follow up questions ?
?Do you like cakes? Why
?Have you ever bought anything after seeing its advertisements
:Let’s talk about food in special occasions
?Do people in your country serve special food in special occasions? In which situations
?Should we consider the type of food that we want to serve in our parties/ our special occasions
?Why do people prefer to serve special food in some specific occasions rather than ordinary meals
?Why some people spend high amount of money for food in some special occasions
?Should governments have control over food or on what we eat