نمونه سوال اسپیکینگ آیلتس همراه با پاسخ – Losing Something

نمونه سوال اسپیکینگ آیلتس (Losing Something)
یکی از مسائل مهم در بخش اسپیکینگ آزمون آیلتس آشنایی نسبی با موضوعات مطرح شده می باشد.
گاهی ممکن است آزمون دهنده تسلط قابل قبولی در اسپیکینگ داشته باشد، اما موضوع مطرح شده به گونه ای باشد که فرد نتواند به آن پاسخ دهد. یکی از موضوعاتی که زبان آموزان ما اخیراً در مورد آن مشکل داشته اند، مبحث Losing Something بوده است.
در اینجا کیو کارت (Cue Card) مبحث Losing Something و نمونه پاسخ مربوط به آن را مشاهده می کنید:
♦ Cue Card
Describe an experience when you lost something. You should say:
what you lost
how you lost it
where you lost it
And explain how you felt about it.
نمونهی پاسخ به این سوالات:
Ok, what I’m gonna talk about is the time I left my mobile phone in a taxi, which is a really silly thing to do, I know. However, sometimes I can be quite careless, just like everyone can be on occasions. At least, that’s what I like to think!
Anyway, as for when I lost my mobile, well thinking about it, I suppose it must’ve been a couple of years ago by now, as I seem to remember I was still living in my old apartment at the time.
And regarding what I was doing when it happened, well basically, I was in a taxi on my way back home from the city centre, as I’d just been out clothes shopping, so I had quite a few bags with me, and I guess this partly explains how I somehow managed to leave my phone behind in the taxi.
So as for how I felt after I realized what I’d done. Well, if I remember correctly, my first reaction was that of disbelief. I was thinking to myself, how could I have been so stupid as to leave it there. And what made it all the more frustrating was the fact that I hadn’t asked the driver for a receipt, which I normally always do. So there was no way I could get in touch with the taxi company and track down the taxi which I took. Naturally of course, I tried to call my phone as soon as I realized what had happened. But as I guessed, it had already been switched off, either by the driver or the next person who got into the taxi.
So all in all, it was a pretty frustrating experience, especially seeing as I had a lot of numbers stored on that mobile which I hadn’t saved anywhere else, so it took me quite a while to get my phone list back to what it was. But on the bright side though, the phone didn’t actually cost that much. It was a good excuse to get myself a much nicer phone, which I take much better care of, and thankfully I still have!
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