موضوعات رایج آیلتس :5 موضوع از بخش دوم مصاحبه آیلتس بهمراه سوال (2)

موضوعات بخش دوم مصاحبه آیلتس
همانطور که در قسمت قبلی اشاره کردیم، موضوعات بخش دوم مصاحبه آیلتس شامل مواردی می شود که به زندگی شخصی تان ربط پیدا می کند. 5 موضوع رایج دیگر را به همراه نمونه سوال در ادامه بخوانید.
موضوعات رایج
A person you know
Describe a person who you think is very interesting. You should say:
-Who this person is
-how you met him/her
-what they like to talk about
and explain why this person is very interesting.
Presents or gifts
Describe a present or gift you have given someone. You should say:
-Who you gave it to
What kind of present it was
How it compared to other presents you have given
Explain why you decided to give this particular gift.
Describe a happy childhood event. You should say:
-When it happened
-who was involved
-how you felt at the time
and explain why you remember this particular occasion.
Describe your favourite song. You should say:
-What is the name of the song
-What the song is about
-When you first heard the song
Explain why it is your favourite song.
Describe a country you would like to visit in the future that you haven’t been to yet. You should say:
-Which country it is
-Where it is located in the world
-What you could see there
Explain why this country is would be such a good place to visit.
Tag:IELTS, IELTS Speaking, آیلتس, اسپیکینگ آیلتس, کیو کارت