تجربه آزمون آيلتس اسپيكينگ رضا .ک

تجربه آزمون اسپيكينگ آيلتس رضا .ک از زبان آموزان موسسه درخت جاويدان
?مرکز آزمون: ایرسافام
Interview ?
?What is your full name
?Can i see you passport
?Do you work or study
?What is the field of your study
?What is your plan after you finish your study
.Let’s talk about shoes
?Do you prefer to have a nice looking shoe or a comfortable one
?Do you think is it necessary to spend much on shoes
?Do you think some people have too many pair of shoes
?Are there any special thing that you make sure you have them with yourself when you go out
?Do these things differ when you go out in the morning and afternoon
?How you make sure you have not forgotten to bring them with yourself
?If you forget to have them with yourself does it cause you any trouble
Cue card ?
.Explain about a holiday that you want to have in future
?Where do you want to go
?Who do you want to go with
?Why do you want to go there
Follow up question ?
?What are some popular destination for holidays in you country
?How is the condition of tourist industry in your country
?What are the Advantages and disadvantages of tourist industry for local people
?Is it a good thing to do to develop tourist industry
?What are the cultural impacts of tourist industry
?What can we do to reduce the impact of this industry on environment
در مورد ممتحن بايد بگم كه برخوردشون خيلي خوب بود فقط من يه مشكلي داشتم كه هيچ واكنشي نسبت به وقت نشون نميدادن. يعني تو قسمت دوم من واقعا نظري نداشتم كه بيش از يك دقيقه شده يا نشده ؟
مسئله بعدي در مورد قسمت سوم بود. شما گفتين كه بهتره در مورد سوالاتي كه ميپرسن مثال بزنيم. وقتي من خواستم اينكارو كنم ايشون مانع شدن و گفتن كه كلي صحبت كن.