موضوعات رایج در رایتینگ آیلتس : Education and Schooling

موضوع تحصیلات در رایتینگ آیلتس
قبلا راجع به موضوع کار و شغل در رایتینگ آیلتس صحبت کردیم. یکی دیگر از موضوعاتی که به کرات در آزمون آیلتس با آن مواجه می شویم، موضوع مربوط به تحصیلات است. این موضوع شامل زیرمجموعه های زیر می شود:
- teaching methods and resources,
- approaches to exams and testing,
- school management,
- pupil motivation,
- behaviour and discipline,
- school sport,
- extra-curricular activities,
- higher/further education,
- course fundingا
در مورد تمام این موضوعات فکر کنید و سعی کنید برای بخش اسپیکینگ و رایتینگ نظراتی داشته باشید. در ادامه برای مثال یک نمونه از سؤالات رایتینگ آیلتس که مرتبط با موضوع تحصیلات است را در اختیارتان می گذاریم.
یک نمونه سؤال
در تسک دوم رایتینگ آیلتس آکادمیک، شما باید یک مقاله بنویسید. مقاله زیر از نوع نظر شخصی است. سؤال را به دقت بخوانید و سعی کنید یک plan برای مقاله تان آماده کنید.
‘The Internet will never replace traditional course books in schools.’
How far do you agree with this prediction?
نمونه پاسخ
در پاسخ به تسک بالا یک مقاله بند 9 که شامل 304 واژه است را با هم می خوانیم. به کلمات و گروه کلمات پررنگ شده دقت کنید و آنها را بیاموزید. سعی کنید در جای مناسب در بخش رایتینگ آیلتس (یا اسپیکینگ) از آنها استفاده کنید تا نمره بالاتری کسب کنید.
The essay:
There is a huge range of resources available to the modern teacher, and the right selection is crucial in delivering effective lessons. I agree that there will always be a place for course books in the school curriculum, despite the many benefits of the Internet.
Firstly, course books (whether conventional or digital) have been developed by pedagogical experts and designed to be incorporated into a subject syllabus, leading to testing procedures such as formal examinations or continuous assessment. This means that they are proven to improve students’ academic achievement, enhancing their potential for progression to further or higher education. Furthermore, the use of modern course books allows pupils to coordinate their studies as part of group work, hopefully making their lessons less teacher-led and more about autonomous learning. This in itself teaches study skills such as independent research and synthesising sources, rather than oldfashioned rote-learning. This is where the Internet, in fact, can play a useful part: to supplement and add to knowledge which the students are assimilating via their course books. However, it is the role of teachers and school management generally to ensure that use of the Internet remains a guided learning process, and not an exercise in data-gathering from Internet sources which may be unreliable or even misleading.
It is true that the Internet can be invaluable for adults (for example in distance learning or self-study modules) who are able to discriminate between sources and sift information to marshal their facts. However, this is a mature skill and we should not assume that school age pupils are ready to do this.
Overall, it appears that course books, with their quality and depth of material, are set to remain an integral part of the syllabus. The internet can be judged a useful supplement to this, if used carefully and under supervision.
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