موضوعات رایج در رایتینگ آیلتس : Cities and infrastructure

موضوعات مهم در آیلتس: شهرها و زیرساخت ها
یکی از موضوعات مهم در آیلتس بحث در مورد شهر و زیرساخت است. این دست از موضوعات اگر راجع به آنها اطلاعاتی نداشته باشید، ایده پردازی بسیار کار سختی خواهد شد. این موضوع خود شامل موضوعات زیر می شود:
- the organization of urban transport
- communications and housing
- trends in city life
- social problems associated with cities such as overcrowding and petty crimes
- the growth of cities
- possible future developments in city living
- comparisons of urban and rural lifestyles
این دست از موضوعات معمولا برای مقاله تسک دوم کاربرد دارد. معمولا تسک ها در قالب ideas<problem/solution یا ideas<cause/effect است. همچنین ممکن است با دیگر موضوعات مهم در آیلتس همپوشانی داشته باشد. پس ممکن است بتوانید از واژگان مربوط به موضوعات مرتبط دیگر نیز بهره بگیرید.
نمونه سوال
یک نمونه سوال در ادامه بخوانید و سعی کنید plan خود را برای مقاله تان آماده کنید.
Transport delays and long journey times are a widespread phenomenon in many cities today. What are the causes of this problem, and how could the
situation be improved?
این نوع تسک از شما نظر شخصیتان را نمی خواهد. فقط باید چند دلیل برای این مشکل ارائه کنید و همچنین چند راه حل پیشنهاد کنید. پس موضوع را معرفی کنید. دو یا سه دلیل ارائه کنید. دو یا سه راه حل پیشنهاد کنید و سپس خلاصه مقاله تان را بنویسید.
نمونه پاسخ
نمونه پاسخ زیر را به دقت بخوانید و به واژگان آن دقت کنید. سپس سعی کنید از واژگان استفاده کنید تا plan خود را به مقاله تبدیل کنید.
Transport is an essential part of urban life, and lengthy journeys are frustrating and expensive for those concerned. There appear to be two main causes of this, and several possible solutions, as we will explain here.
Perhaps the main cause is the lack of investment or funding for infrastructure in the form of high-capacity public transport and increased road space for private vehicles. This means that too many vehicles use the existing
network, and congestion is inevitable. We see this in most large cities globally, such as London or Tokyo. Many conurbations also lack finance for transport hubs, such as integrated road and rail facilities which could connect public and private transport, thus reducing bottlenecks. A further cause seems to be the problem of overcrowding in cities, whereby people migrate from the hinterland and settle in urban areas, putting strain on amenities, housing and above all on transport capacity. This means that an already stretched system is often pushed to a critical point, causing cancellations and breakdowns in the technology used, especially in situations of urban sprawl such as in Latin America.
Regarding potential solutions, probably the main remedy would be to encourage investment in better infrastructure, for example through subsidies or public-private partnerships as was tried successfully in Germany during the
1990’s. This enhances the network and fosters a sense of civic pride, to everyone’s benefit. Another solution may be to use tax incentives to allow more home working, so that there is less need to commute from the suburbs to the inner city for work. A final response might be the development of more flexible patterns of transport, such as communal car-pooling, which would reduce reliance on existing systems and vehicles.
In conclusion, it seems that outdated infrastructure and overcrowding are the key factors behind our transport frustrations. Possible solutions would involve better funding, and also innovations in ways of working and travelling to reduce the burden on the system.
words: 311
score: 9
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