30 اصطلاح مهم و کاربردی برای آزمون های تافل و آیلتس (1)

اصطلاحات مهم برای آیلتس و تافل
اصطلاحات را می توان نوعی واژه پیچیده تعریف کرد. چراکه به اندازه واژگان یک زبان مهم و کاربردی اند. برای اینکه بتوانید از بخش اسپیکینگ آزمون های زبان انگلیسی، مانند آیلتس و تافل نمره خوبی کسب کنید باید از اصطلاحات استفاده کنید. در این قسمت 15 تا از اصطلاحات مهم برای آیلتس و تافل را فهرست میکنیم.
15 اصطلاح کاربردی
Every cloud has a silver lining
Meaning: Try and be as optimistic as you can be, however difficult you are finding the situation at the moment, better times will come in the future.
Example: Every cloud has a silver lining, you will find a new job very soon.
A hot potato
Meaning: People talking about a current topic which cannot be agreed upon.
Example: The subject of Brexit is a hot potato.
Give someone the benefit of the doubt
Meaning: Believe what the person is or has said, until there is proof.
Example: Give him the benefit of the doubt, he may not have been there.
Let sleeping dogs lie
Meaning: Leave the situation as it is, do not get involved.
Example: Let sleeping dogs lie, you were not there so you cannot comment.
Once in a blue moon
Meaning: Something happens extremely rarely.
Example: Once in a blue moon there will be an eclipse of the sun by the moon.
Steal someone’s thunder
Meaning: Take the credit for a situation that someone else deserves
Example: He stole his colleague’s thunder about doing an excellent job.
Best of both words
Meaning: A person has all the advantages of a given situation.
Example: They have the best of both words as they spend half the year in England. And the rest of the year in Switzerland.
Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched
Meaning: Do not plan something as the event may not occur.
Example: Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched as the deal may not happen.
It takes two to tango
Meaning: Two or more people could be involved in a situation.
Example: It takes two to tango, so there are more people involved in the problem in the firm than you think.
Your guess is as good as mine
Meaning: A person does not know the answer
Example: Your guess is as good as mine as to where they both went last night.
See eye to eye
Meaning: To agree with someone else on a subject.
Example: We see eye to eye on how to progress the matter further.
A picture paints a thousand words
Meaning: To make a presentation to visually show what you want to do or achieve.
Example: The picture painted a thousand words of how he thought the firm should develop.
Catch someone off guard
Meaning: To catch someone by surprise
Example: He was caught off guard when they asked him to be the new chairman.
Hear it on the grapevine
Meaning: To hear rumours about a person or an event which may or may not have happened.
Example: She heard it on the grapevine that he had been promoted.
Get down to business
Meaning: To get the meeting started properly
Example: As every member of the team is now here, we can get down to business and start the meeting.
در قسمت بعدی چندتا دیگر از اصطلاحات مهم برای آیلتس و تافل را فهرست میکنیم.
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