واژگان کاربردی آیلتس: Topic: Art

واژگان کاربردی آیلتس: Topic: Art
a fine art
a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic and intellectual purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness, specifically, painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolour, graphics, and architecture
Arts and crafts
the activity of making beautiful and useful objects.
Visual arts
creations that we can look at. For instance, painting, sculpture, architecture, film
Plastic arts
every type of art we can touch. Sculpture would be a good example.
Performing arts
a very wide term meaning anything from cinema, theatre, or any other form of visual art to modern computer presentations. The key characteristic is that it’s performed: a modern dance piece, a concert, a play, an opera, a film, a ballet
a pigment used with water to create paintings. Secondly a watercolour is a painting created with watercolours.
a quick informal drawing to capture the essentials of an object.
a portrait
it is a portrayal of a person showing the person’s face (could be a drawing, a photograph, or a sculpture).
a landscape
a work of art that features a scene of land or countryside (in other words nature)
oil painting
is a technique of painting with oil paints. The second meaning is a picture painted with oil paints.
figurative art
any type of art that accurately represents an image from the real world.
still-life painting
a painting featuring anything that does not move.
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