تجربه آزمون اسپيكينگ آيلتس زهرا

تجربه آزمون آیلتس
تجربه آزمون اسپيكينگ آيلتس زهرا از زبان آموزان موسسه درخت جاويدان
?مركز آزمون:ايرسافام
Part 1 ?
?Do you live in a flat or apartment-
?What does it look like-
?Where can you see from outside of window-
?Do you like taking photo when you go to travel-
?Did you have a lot of photos when you were a child-
?How did you keep them-
Part 2 ?
?What were your preparation for your happy event-
?How did you prepare them-
?Who else got involved in-
?were these preparation successful-
Part 3 ?
?How parents can help children to be well-prepared-
?Do schools teach children to be well-organized-
?Is well- preparation a natural instinct-

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